Campground Wijde Blick

Wijde Blick - 1

Located approximately 2.5 km from the expansive beaches of Renesse, you'll find the campsite & holiday park Wijde Blick. This 5-star campsite is the ideal destination for a wonderful beach holiday in Zeeland, where the comfort and amenities of a holiday park meet the freedom of camping.

Why choose camping & holiday park Wijde Blick?

Whether you’re looking for an active holiday filled with sports and games, or simply want to enjoy peace and nature, camping & holiday park Wijde Blick is the perfect choice. Don’t wait any longer and book your well-deserved holiday today at the Zeeland coast!

Prijzen en beschikbaarheidCheck prices here and book directly online

For information and reservation

Lagezoom 23, Renesse
tel. +31 111 468 888 
web. More information